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Cornell University


July 18, 2024

Households caught and consumed a far more diverse array of fish than they sold at market, which has important implications for how loss of biodiversity might affect people’s...

July 8, 2024

Cornell researchers have developed a bioelectric device that can detect and classify new variants of coronavirus, and potentially other viruses, such as measles and influenza, to...

April 22, 2024

Empire AI, a $400 million effort to create a shared academic research computing facility, is set to advance dozens of ambitious, cross-disciplinary projects at...

March 12, 2024

How do you know you are looking at a dog What are the odds you are right If you’re a machine-learning algorithm, you sift through thousands of images — and millions of...

February 24, 2024

Marc Grimson, Rafael Almeida, Qinru Shi, Yiwei Bai, Hector Angarita, Felipe Siqueira Pacheco, Rafael Schmitt, Alexander Flecker, Carla P Gomes Scaling Up Pareto Optimization for...

February 9, 2024

Cornell quantum researchers have detected an elusive phase of matter, called the Bragg glass phase, using large volumes of x-ray data and a new machine learning data analysis tool...

January 11, 2024

Are your backyard birds squabbling over seed Learn why birds face off at your feeders—and how to promote peace in your feathered...

January 4, 2024

When hordes of chickadees, finches, and woodpeckers descend on a backyard bird feeder, squabbles are bound to erupt: Sometimes getting a choice morsel means muscling your way into...

December 20, 2023

Thirteen Cornell postdoctoral researchers intent on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) in areas as varied as astronomy, computational biology, and psychology have been named...

November 9, 2023

For the first time, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are being used to model hidden patterns in nature, not just for one bird species, but for entire ecological...

November 8, 2023

Wildlife conservation actions tend to be focused in specific locations because the data that inform them also tend to be highly localized But what if we could visualize where a...

October 4, 2023

For the first time, big data and artificial intelligence are being used to model hidden patterns in nature – not just for one bird species, but for entire ecological communities...