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Cornell University

Schmidt Postdocs

2023/11pngChinthakMuraliastronomy22023Studies various astrophysical processes and signals such as gravitational waves, fast radio bursts and pulsar signals using the tools of Machine Learning and AI.chinthak-murali-a54463255
2023/11jpgShuangqiLisystems engineering22023Explores AI-enabled development of high-performance electrochemical energy storage systems for transportation electrification and decarbonization.1QoN1ugAAAAJ
2023/11jpgYuZhouintegrative plant science12022Investigates the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change across both time and space, as well as quantifying and predicting their role in the global carbon budget using process-based modeling, machine/deep learning, and data from field measurements and satellite imagery.
2023/11pngChia-HaoLeeapplied and engineering physics22023Explores the fusion of AI with electron microscopy to achieve sub-angstrom resolution characterization of quantum and energy materials.Pv9sqLoAAAAJ
2023/11jpgFengTaoecology and evolutionary biology22023Studies process-informed AI and explores enhanced rock weathering to promote soil inorganic carbon as a scalable carbon dioxide removal method.
2023/11jpgLing-WeiKongcomputational biology22023Applies machine learning to the complex nonlinear dynamics in ecology and climate systems, and explores machine-learning-assisted modeling in animal behavior and neuropsychological processes.
2023/11jpgImanolMiqueleiznatural resources and the environment22023Studies global freshwater conservation patterns and threat patterns to optimize conservation measures, as well as historical and spatial patterns of freshwater diversity.
2023/11jpgKrishnanandMallayyaphysics22023Harnesses AI to bridge the gap between theory, experiments, and numerical simulations, in the areas of condensed matter physics, quantum materials, and quantum dynamics.T0SMs4IAAAAJ
2023/11jpgXinWangchemistry12022Studies physics-informed deep learning and computer vision for soft materials, inorganic crystals and small molecule
2023/11jpegBuZhaocivil and environmental engineering22023Uses data-driven environmental system analysis to analyze and mitigate the environmental impacts of human activities in the context of climate change and carbon neutrality goals.kEr2qckAAAAJ
2023/11jpgVikramThaparchemical and biomolecular engineering120222023Develops efficient methodologies using computer simulations to identify specific chemical compounds that can self-assemble into desirable, geometrically complex nanostructures._pk1DmQAAAAJ
2023/11jpgEliotMillerornithology12022Explores the feasibility of using automated acoustic identifications to inform species distribution models.
2023/11jpgZhongmouChaochemical and biomolecular engineering22023Uses synthetic biology, bioelectronics, and machine learning to make the next generation of AI sensors.zhongmou-chao-8887517b
2023/11jpegSebastianHeilpernpublic and ecosystem health22023Focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of biodiversity change on ecosystem functions and services, with a particular emphasis on aquatic biodiversity, energy and food systems.
2023/11jpgBenjaminDecardi-Nelsonsystems engineering12022Develops novel computational tools to improve the analysis, design and operation of complex systems and processes, with sustainability as the overarching goal.https://decardinb.github.iodecardinbbM29EVMAAAAJ
2023/11pngRoyMoyalpsychology22023Studies sensory systems (olfaction and vision), neuromorphic computing, and spiking neural network algorithms.roy-moyal
2023/11jpgFanWuapplied and engineering physics22023Focuses on comprehending and harnessing the inherent complexity within nonlinear multimode configurations and quantum systems.Fuwe_nEAAAAJ
2023/11jpgXinSunchemical and biomolecular engineering22023Uses AI to promote the sustainability of energy-climate-material sustainability, with a focus on the energy storage technology.n-fRvd8AAAAJ
2023/11jpgRalitsaTodorovaneurobiology and behavior12022Deploys machine learning methods to study mental imagery in mice, and decodes neuronal activity to uncover the neural coding underlying cognitive processes.zELQA00AAAAJ
2023/11jpgTianyuWangapplied and engineering physics120222023Studies how physical systems perform computing, especially for AI.https://tyw-lab.github.iolqIvJCgAAAAJ
2023/11jpgAlexandrosPolyzoischemistry120222023Studies complex microbial communities through untargeted metabolomics, and develops computational mass spectrometry approaches.alexandros-polyzois
2023/11jpgFelipePachecoecology and evolutionary biology12022Harnesses AI to address sustainability challenges in the Water-Food-Energy Nexus.
2023/11jpgItayGriniastyphysics12022Studies how programmable materials can be designed into microscopic machines, and how information geometry uncovers hidden relations and the generalizability of climate simulations of extreme precipitation.a3Uhp58AAAAJ
2024/11jpgAkshayAjagekarsystems engineering32024Uses quantum computing-enhanced generative deep learning for chemical and biomolecular design in areas of drug discovery and synthetic biology.https://www.akshayajagekar.comakshayajagekarJCRfLuIAAAAJ
2024/11jpegGuangyaoChenchemical and biomolecular engineering32024Uses AI technology to determine the best manufacturing conditions for nanoparticle materials and accelerate the discovery of materials.
2024/11jpgHyung-SubKimintegrative plant science32024Leverages AI to project carbon storage potential of the global forests in a changing world.Hyung-Sub-Kim
2024/11jpgJasonKimphysics32024Develops generative AI for interpretable dimensionality reduction with gene sequencing technology to better model cancer development, and with calcium imaging technology to model spatial representation in the hippocampus.jason-kim-20412b78nLpyoNIAAAAJ
2024/11jpgKwanghwiJechemistry and chemical biology32024Combines nano imaging, machine learning, and simulations to understand the structure of nanoparticles.kwanghwi-je-9b1456208Tc4_fHQAAAAJ0000-0002-5017-6034
2024/11jpgMyungjoonKimapplied and engineering physics32024Explores nonlinear multimode optical systems and develops photonic devices with enhanced or novel functionality, leveraging physics-informed machine learning.
2024/11jpgWeiweiChenneurobiology and behavior32024Analyzes how the brain learns from past experiences, with the goal to develop an AI model to understand how mental predictive coding and replay interact to support fast adaptation in the brain.4FS6Oz8AAAAJ
2024/11jpgXueyuTiansystems engineering32024Harnesses AI to determine the viability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) — a high-efficiency, lightweight, and flexible solar cell — for use in agrivoltaics, which is the dual use of land for solar energy and farming.xueyu-tianGF_hcQMAAAAJ
2024/11jpgYasirLatifearth and atmospheric sciences32024Develops a “climate emulator” to improve hydroclimatic projections using AI and output from state-of-the-art high-resolution climate models for uncertainty reduction in hydro-climatic predictions.
2024/11jpgYueZhuochemical and biomolecular engineering32024Develops AI-powered “multimodal plant agents” for examining plant genotypes, phenotypes, pathology, and processes to combat agricultural and economical challenges due to climate change.Zzau7DwAAAAJ
2024/11jpgZherongWuintegrative plant science32024Develops deep-learning frameworks to reduce huge uncertainties of global terrestrial carbon flux — and in turn, produce more reliable climate projections to support policymaking.
2024/11jpgZhilongWangsystems engineering32024Leverages AI and first-principles calculations to develop high-performance energy and electronic materials.UOZ_oIEAAAAJ0000-0002-1910-3654Zhilong-Wang-10